Primary Care At Home

Comprehensive medical care in the comfort of home.

Midwest Home Physicians

Same day appointments available – give us a call today!

Our Mission – Compassionate and Comprehensive Healthcare At Your Door!

Seeing an experienced and knowledgeable provider doesn’t need to be an inconvenience.  You can see one of our providers right in the comfort of your own home.  With our Assisted Telehealth Platform-ATP™, you can schedule an immediate appointment. No more waiting hours in a clinic or hospital waiting rooms.

Call today 872-282-9234


Experienced Health Care Providers

Our licensed physicians and providers have years of experience providing compassionate care.  They are knowledgeable in the latest developments and treatments in healthcare


Professional & Friendly Staff


Our professional staff will always treat you with caring compassion.  We are dedicated to ensuring you or your loved one receive the highest level of care.


Medicare, Private Pay and Most Insurance Accepted

We accept Medicare and most insurance plans.  We also accept private pay per visit. Call our office today to see if you qualify for our services!

Our Services

Talk to our healthcare provider today!

Our licensed health care providers provide a wide-range of healthcare services.  From primary care to chronic care management, our caring and compassionate professionals are ready to meet your needs.

Primary Care

Our Assisted Telehealth Platform – ATP™ brings comprehensive primary care to the comfort of your own home.

Chronic Care Management

Our providers are highly experienced in helping develop the best treatment plan fo you.

Urgent Care

Our Assisted Telehealth Platform – ATP™ brings the convenience of Telehealth to Urgent Care with an IN-Person Medical visit.

Behavioral Health

We have Behavioral Health Specialists  ready to serve you

Pain Management

Talk with one of our Providers with questions on your condition


Our nation-wide network of specialists are available for your care

Assisted Telehealth Platform™

The Assisted Telehealth Platform – ATP™ delivers the best of Telehealth technologies combined with the diagnostic tools used in clinics. Our specially trained and licensed Telehealth Medical Assistants work seamlessly with our Physicians/Providers to deliver comprehensive care, not otherwise available in current Telehealth platforms.

Your Health Starts Here

Flexible appointments and urgent care.

Or call — 833-387-7440

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